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Monday, October 28, 2013

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo of Solomon Islands hem stori wetem Sam Seke.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo of Solomon Islands hem stori wetem Sam Seke...posted on October 2013, 16:31 AEST

Praim Minista blong Solomon Islands itok em i rong long rejistarim ol civil society grup aninit long Charity Act loa blong kantri na gavman imas stretim dispela.

Praim Minista Gordon Darcy Lilo itok em ino tru em ibin traim long rausim nem blong tripela civil society grup long list blong ol charity oganisesen....See More
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 22 hours ago near Honiara, Makira, Solomon Islands · Edited

  • 3 people like this.
  • Edd P. Kaipuru oketa man iufala skul kam lo Vanuatu bae iufala understandim good pidgin lo stori ia
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
  • David Lidimani Eddie diffrens between Bislama n Tok Pisin chuu???? Datwan ol tubuna lo Manus na ba understanim ya...
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Edd P. Kaipuru worrim datwan whether hem Vanuatu or PNG hem orate bata stori ia na iufala read read lo hem!
  • Layla Kere an eyesore to read-solomon pijin or Englsih pls!
  • Falimae Jr Dandan mifala lo Manus die moa David Mirriam Lidimani
  • Layla Kere "Like it or not,pidgin is here to stay"Its never mentioned on any above comments that S.Is pijin shouldn't be used in this forum- The initial thread is in PNG PISIN( not ours) This forum has guidelines that we members have to abide to-(no other languages or dialects should be used other than the two main ones that we as Solomon islanders speak & understand! Gee-read between the lines!
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Deli-Sharon Oso The English version of the news item above should be as follows:
    Solomon Islands Prime Minister said it was wrong to register civil society groups under the country’s (Solomon Islands) Charitable Act hence the Government must put this right.
    Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo said it was not true that he’s been trying to deregister three civil society groups from the charitable organization list.
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Layla Kere Thank you DSO 
  • Deli-Sharon Oso You're welcome LK!
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
  • David Lidimani Thanks DSO - was at pains trying to understand it....
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Sione Tuhaika Political activism within organizations registered under Charitable Act is a huge concern Oso. What na "Charitable Act" ya, hem includim tu oketa pipol engage in "political activities"? If hem true, the PM has a point. Either findem category for oketa or creatim wanfala fo oketa. Just an observation.
  • Deli-Sharon Oso What did I say JT? I only translated the news item from the PNG pidgin to English.
  • Sione Tuhaika Mi askim nomo. Beside, that news long PNG Pijin is consistent with his statement which you referred to. Changim law so hem fitim activities blong civil groups ya. Tok tasol 
  • Buddley Sogotio Charitable organisation are non-profit org, or non-business entities. Therefore, according to my view they are legally entitled to perform political awareness.
  • Sione Tuhaika I would like to see that law... can someone post it here so we can discuss here with substance. Political awareness and activism are two different things; working in cahoots with a political group (gov't or opposition) in my view is not compatible with a mission of a charitable organization aka "NGO". Tingting nomo.
  • Falimae Jr Dandan PM only wants to change the Law of Charitable Act because these are the organizations that he can't stand to face. They expose him to his fullest weaknesses as a leader and he should accept the fact that such exist so we have a balance.Therefore he wants to change things so things can be on his side to keep him in his comfort zone.
  • Deli-Sharon Oso ST, its best if you direct your question at the legal experts in this forum.
  • Sione Tuhaika Mi no suggestim what Lilo hem duim hem rait, but if NGOs are doing things contrary to the "Charitable Act" - example, actively calling for the removal of the PM, pressuring government to do certain things ... and if kain activities olsem hem no fall inline with that law, Lilo garem point! That's my opinion, stand to be correct by our legal experts!
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Ed Saramo The issue raised by the PM is a legal one. FSII and ANSI, for example, are registered under the Charitable Trusts Act. Both have registered copies of their constitutions which spell out their objectives. These objectives do not permit involvement in politics (eg calling on the PM to step down). If a registered trust board engages in an activity outside its objectives, isn't it abusing the privilege of registration?
  • Mariselo Asupeu The intention to review Charitable Act may only be fitting to a certain religious group. They never go to poll, less bother how govt behave but benefit from govt services both +/-. If SI find itself in the situation, what does this mean. God bless SI.
  • Buddley Sogotio So their objectives did not permit them to engage in politics...hmm..interesting. So if a political party wants to register, what act will a political party register under in the Solomon Islands?
  • Sione Tuhaika It depends on the kind of organization you register BS. Every org falls into a category of our laws....
  • Deli-Sharon Oso ES, a good point raised by Sogotio, can you please respond to it?
  • Ed Saramo Sure DSO. As far as I understand, there is no law that provides for the registration of political parties. In the past political parties were registered under the Charitable Trusts Act but this is wrong and my office will be taking steps to remove them from the Charitable Trusts register. Existing political parties like those making up the current Opposition will be affected but law law na ia people.
  • Eddie Welsh why???? does the opposition does not provided for under our constitution?...laek sa've nmoa barata ES
    44 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • David Lidimani Political parties exist both within the Govt and Opposition, so all such political parties will be affected. It is thus high time Parliament speed up the Political Parties bill for meksua parties attain legal entity status.
    31 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Naolah Pitia I kind of agree that organizations like FSII, for instance, does not really fit-in with the definition of 'charitable' organization; subsequently kinda of being displaced under the said Act. Times have changed, and now that we are in the 21st century w...See More
  • Deli-Sharon Oso ES , are you saying that the political parties that make up the current opposition will be deregisteted? If so what about those that make up the current govt? One more thing there are certain political parties with members in both camps. What will happen to them?
    23 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Sione Tuhaika Just have them register under a different section. Iam quite surprised tho that parties are registered under CTA. That's kind of weird since those political parties are engaging everyday in political activities. In that case, there's no reason why CTA...See More
  • David Lidimani De-registering political parties in both camps won't affect SI politics or status of MPs in Parliament. Not one iota!! For since when has political ideology (party manifestos) established itself as the bedrock or hallmark of SI politics??...NEVER! Just kill them all and start on a clean slate
  • Deli-Sharon Oso It is now very clear from ES comments on this thread that the PM is desperate to silence the Opposition and the FSII, ANSI and MMF. Please God save SI!