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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Western province upgrades its airports to international status

Munda Airport
Ka poi ko nei na gosigosi a Tigoa bae hao?

  • Sione Tuhaika We need a Tsunami so we can improve our province with millions of funds, just saying. But there's no need to build a fancy airport when we can't even meet our basic needs!
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha I believe one day we will have one airport like the one above either during the time of the current MP or taem blo another MP..but the one above is created for international flights..I guess ours hem for domestic flights only
  • Spink Mahuta No need, me kasem, but i beleive, soon many, many problems will arise from this open gate to the world. Noro port was a good example. Locals would love changes, but the later benefits were in parchel only, the bad ones are in BULK!
  • David Topue O tatou infrastructure ka he'e noho poi konei ite manga hingi ina money ote RCDF and Livelihood.
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha haha!..David koe manga sia argue...Tenga point iake David..iumi no deal wit international why should the government give us a project with the same costing as the one above?
  • Too Pauq ko tigoa noko higi ete mitsui, to have tigoa upgraded as munda under the current trend of infrastructure dev in si is only a dream. chingching nomoa.
  • Sione Tuhaika Our MP and provincial government should focus more on infrastructure than upgrading airports. Fix our roads - tar seal - from Tigoa to Tevaitahe and Matamoana to Aotaha. Fix and upgrade our schools; buildings (classrooms) and materials (books, tables, chairs). Clinics (upgrade) and build a proper marketplace for oketa local farmers. And yup yup yup - get a damn boat. Konei na priority!

What is the purpose of our debating and discussion on issues of Renbel?

What is the purpose of our debating and discussion on issues of Renbel? It has been a practice that whenever we debate our issues we started with offensive and defensive style right through to its unknown ending and outcome. Hem how tomus that we can't agree on any resolutions and pass it on to those concerned as a way of contributions from this fb page. This is another way of contributing to our development approach. Umi argue go go usim kind word as Kaimeo and koutou manga ngausoko, etc. This kind style ia hem defeatim na intension of a good discussion/debate.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · October 16 at 6:40pm near Honiara, Makira, Solomon Islands
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha Morning David..mi agree lo point blo you..I think discusion hem important because we are the people that will vote and we are the good example after the heavy discussion so far..I guess the MP reacted also he is working around the clock to make sure all the promised projects are done..and the point you mekem hem true..even we are not there physically but we can always pass on the messages to our people and also the valuable suggestions be honest through our discussions..em helpim mi too lo lukim a lot of views and good suggestion if one fine day onefala lo iumi lo forum holim public offices.
  • Gloria Phranyta Kaisa'unga Hong problem with majority of us wantok here on this forum i can see we like the idea of debating and discussing issues which is a good thing but the main problem with us is that we dont know how to do with without taking things personal. ko tatou huai hakatangi ghali and always comment back without thinking.. i guess with this sorta attitude regarding to dabating here on this forum depsite some good feed back or comments on raised issues we wont solve a thing .
  • Brad Lesley Pugeva thump up DT...
  • Eric Tapuika you are right Gloria
  • Spink Mahuta Even every avakian family discussion bata no save stret, hao mas for this one... hehe!
  • Spink Mahuta Na gholoba nei kua huai ha'anoho. Manga huai eha'ai te hai bakinokino aki anga. hehe! I mean, to compromise another thought for your right and understanding, title, is just impossible to stand on a common ground. My view only.
  • Sione Tuhaika Imagine a forum where everyone gets together and sing, agree on everything, pat each others' back and live happily ever after, what a waste!
  • David Topue Its not agreeing on everything, its about having some outcome/result of days of debating other than nothing or not knowing the ending. So a debate with no outcome or result is what I think is a waste. What we have now is like the arguement of SDA and SSEC we used to have in the 60s,70s,80, where both sides used all means to defend their beliefs whether right or wrong. I think such style is not helpful when we all wanted to find better ways and means for our people.
  • Spink Mahuta hehehe! true one ia. Sooooo... what's your suggestion Mr. Dave to solve this never ending circle???
  • Gloria Phranyta Kaisa'unga Hong huai ngaoi sione, i think what david meant his post, is debating and dicussing without taking things personal. theres nothing wrong with debating but stick to the topic with the aim of finding a solution to solve the problem.
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha I agreed with you Gloria..the other problem I see in discussing issues is people take things personally and on the other hand people do not know how to discuss or respond when debating..they go personal on the first rule i guess that hem gud taem discuss go personal tumas on others!
  • Sione Tuhaika We'll have substantive arguments here when the right people are here discussing and listening to the people other than their surrogates. What we see here is us defending our various positions/points and argue what we think is right and what we assume to be wrong. But I agree, we need to see solutions or at least putting ideas to work, but it is futile when the real actors such as the Provincial government and the MP aren't here. At the end of the day, yumi maos wara nating! lol.
  • Gloria Phranyta Kaisa'unga Hong i can see most times when we always go personal when debating is when we dont understnad the issue so argue karange nomoa ...hem na sione say yea yumi moas wara nating hihihi
  • Don TeMoana AngikiAmo Arguing is part of Avaiki every day life,however intelligent arguing and language leads to progress and development but stupid arguing end up in fights.But it all starts with the topic, make sure a good and well structured topic no albaot topic and then argue using the 3rd person, because if you start using the 1st person then it become personalised and arguement bara olbaot na,ting ting nomoa
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha sione... no ken tok..hehehe..I guess discussing issues though we are not politicians is educational.. I see no harm in discussing political issues though our Boses are not in the not forget..they are in the forum through their relatives who a...See More
  • Frances Tuimaka Hey David, I am jumping in late but it's the only way for people to stay connected. Heheh!
    5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2