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Thursday, November 7, 2013

SI National Wharf at Stake - FSII Reactions

What else can the government of the day and the minister responsible do to advance development in the country? This project must be given the priority it needs to boost shipping line internationally. Why are our leaders so blind to see the heart of the issue and understand the relevancy of such a national project? I don't know all the reasons, all I can say is, this government is to damn stupid when it comes to prioritizing developments and cost effective measures. My opinion and yours?

  • You, Derek SaruDavid Boseto and 10 others like this.
  • Dean Bambu Something FISHY is going on...c'mmon we need this type of development..your infighting won't do anything good for us,as a developing country..!!!
    November 6 at 4:18pm via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
  • Derek Saru Solomon Islands international seaport Honiara is now at the cross road. Take it or lose it for another 18yrs?
  • Dean Bambu Take or lose it or if not chance go for
  • David Mudu The Noro port facility was a loan from ADB. In my opinion SIPA can easily access lending facilities should it wish to expand its perthing facilities.
  • Kim Litera Osem traffic lo road noma ia... lo sea dis taem hem traffic tu... so if more ports meanning more money should come in...Mhh.. I wonder what the other countries might think if Solo will reject this project... Ogeta should considerim that this is a blessings from japan..... I think needim Christmas bonus in advance....hahahaha.
  • Kim Litera or iu save na...election hem cosap...hahaha
  • Dean Bambu Self interest mas puttim behind n thingim country first..or if not,stand down and let others who will makesure dis project mas go het take your place..!!!
  • Samson Faisi Was this the minister of infrastructure game again or smeone else?
  • Ignatius Talifilu Worst ever.....!
    November 6 at 7:18pm via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
  • Samson Faisi I hated this minister. If tme blo mi lo bfo hem admit finis na ya. He is so high minded n poud.. Samfala Obama lelebt! Hahaha..
  • Jazzie Joachim Support SF, kaen self minded pipol osem umi get rid of them by doing the hard way for them.....
  • Ignatius Talifilu tumas na.
  • Mike Peter Lalo What a hell is going on? Is such a minister we need for the development of our country? Please stop promoting things of personal interest and facilitate such a good opportunity for our country.
  • Ryan Panda For goodness sake it's going to be funded for by the Japanese government. This is one heck of an opportunity for local employment and improved infrastructure for our country, please stop the bickering and infighting 
    and secure this project.
    Yesterday at 3:06am via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
    Yesterday at 2:23am via mobile · Edited · Like · 3
  • Frank Roboolitee A tink hemi best dat umi duim ani ting lo oketa ya, adawise umi stil from Bad to worst for hao long??
    Yesterday at 2:24am via mobile · Like · 1
  • Pekilton Muve Our population is growing fast, young generation need more fair job opportunity lo country...Iu mi needim leaders dat garem concern lo young population blo iumi thru big Development like this, cos iumi no sae managim gut own resources blo iumi in order for usim own pocket bo country. So kaen leander osem hel selfcentred person plas boss blo hem GDLilo fitim kickim out lo golden chair blo tufala thru ANSI petition and get rid lo oketa...One thing mi suprised lo hem is WHY the all 49 MP's ya lukim noma all dis bullshit lo certain leaders n PM but oketa very quiet not even try for mekem any effort for helpem cry blo nation n the civil society na ya???? what na mekem n keepim oketa too silent. Maybe oketa fraet for losim half piece of cake blo oketa or how ya wea GDL promisim...mi no sae understandim oketa evri MPs ya na..If year before this wan happen oketa very easy for kickim or oustim OUT na PM ya...what na wrong lo iumi evri wan ?
    Yesterday at 4:30am via mobile · Like · 1
  • Garruda Wantime Se Minister, proud tumas nao, and forgettem that hem sapos for servem country, ating bae hem na buildem wharf if Japan deadline hem up
  • Daniel Suluia ...Shehh ma try act and make decision fo national interest festaem oketa ae...Minister ia luk osem hem take personal lo almost everything noma man...anyway for umi makesure project ia get thru people? What powers na boss ia usim ia and how na bae umi neutralisim kaen power ia for national interest? We must act and do something about this ia....This is a rare opportunity for our country, or should we sacrifice it for one big ego?...
  • Abanaraham A Kwalagau For neutralisem power blo hem and big boss blo hm, bullets nma save solvem ya, wish umi lo African countries like Ethiopia and Zimbabwe..
    23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
  • Garruda Wantime Se easy nomoa oketa barata, PM garem power for hire n fire ba, hem shud sackem Minister and replacem hem waitem staka back bencher or hao?
    23 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Ignatius Talifilu Tru nao. If hem garem any other plans then hem should talem stret mekem pipol no confuse.
    23 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Abanaraham A Kwalagau Big boss pm shud duim long time lo hm, wait time for what time? Hati nao.. No good boss wait for employm oketa voters blo hm for buildm,... Lol
    23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Edmond Heau Whatever interest Japan has on Solomon is theirs but as far as the development they focus on are very important as many are based on our needs as water, electricity, roads and wharfs. I think this is NACRA priorities and those for personal interest acts as impediment should be removed olsem!
    23 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Daniel Suluia Yea I agree @GW, IT, EH and the rest....Sacking the individual Minister is the best thing our PM should do in the circumstances, unless He has a better way of addressing the issue in the best interest of the country.
    23 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Samson Faisi Hi frens, smething will happen soon with the minister concerned here. I have worked on sme strategies to see that this happen fo the gud of this nation. If anything happens ovee the comming days, jst remember that I have told u alredy. Heads up boys!
    22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
  • Dean Bambu Guguna n Barile,who are u two,for holem nation lo ransom osem?? ..bloody fools..!!!...come on give us a break fo DEVELOPMENT SAKE..!!!
    20 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 2
  • Benjamin Afuga Mi no save toko nao!!
    20 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Ronald Kai These two (Guguna & Barile) are hopeless.. Why not FSII get in touch with JICA to have more information on that funded project..
    20 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Joshua Keniore mr Prime minister,just humbly deal with your boy,if its true that he is blocking an important development this nation severely needed it ,then it is proper to either reshuffle him to another ministry or put him aside for the time being....People are watching...with anger maybe.
    18 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Gynio Funusui JK,boss PM fraed lelbet fo removing Minister ba. No gud minister say ma u boss u na startim. PM is lacking control over his ministers as displayed here.They can do whatever that suit them best personally.For nation building???mmmm mi savi nao!! wad taem!..
  • Benjamin Afuga Yes PM must intervene. Which is important for the nation,, Hon Gukuna or the nation?
    17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari The PM and his core group cannot keep pushing issues under the carpet. Sooner or later it will re-surface and someone will pay the price for an incompetent decision maker - often it's the general public that pays the price. Solomon Islanders: say NO to corruption and support the petition in whatever form or shape we can contribute.
    17 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 2
  • Gynio Funusui Kwei! kolsap chrismas nao and yr2014.Gavman ae! soreh lo pipol lelbet.
    17 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Naolah Pitia Can anyone confirm what Minister Gukuna's problem is? Seriously, it is irresponsible of him to jeopardize such a strategic national development just to protect his ego and self-interest at the expense of the entire nation. I am wondering why PM GDL is not intervening in this matter?...hmm anybody can make their own conclusion there lolz
    16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 5
  • Naolah Pitia All our national leaders should take time to reflect on the words of wisdom, stated below, by Mahatma Gandhi “It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi
    16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Phil Jämie PM Lilo is a coward and a power mongering fagot ...! He has to intervene and get things right once and for all for the good of our nation's development. He has outspoken all issues when it comes to corruptions and allegation about his dealings without much national consultation. Should I ask FSIIM to deliver a media statement in strengthening what has been said in the Sol Star and highlight the importance of having such a project. Let the nation know that FSII support this project in the nation's interest if it is to be realized. My view folks...!
    8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Kiriau George leaders responsible for country sud no garem kind mind set osem..kind ya na ba umi no sa develop ya....
    13 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Benjamin Afuga PH, a media statement will come out today...
    7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Phil Jämie Thanks Benjamin Afuga..., Phew..! me readim come every unresolved issue online me shorte go go..., me no save what for talem nao ..., mekem me like swear go nomoa nomoa lo every big man blo iumi a ...,
    5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Samson Faisi Lets keep the faith my frens n continue on fighting against this big monster that is now killing left, right n center of all that suppose to be for the good of its ppl.
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Dean Bambu PJ swear go nomo,outim frustration ia..hahahahaha
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Donald Tahani DB....LO)L
  • Phil Jämie Dean Bambu  swear narawe lo mind finish na he he he...,:-) top day lo iufala..
  • Rockk A Ryan Moneyblind
  • Sione Tuhaika