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Monday, November 4, 2013

Duran on Guale fugitives

By Duran Angiki .

Dare I say this - but over the past couple of years, the SI police force have been in the local media on regular basis about their many attempts (operations) to capture the two Guadalcanal fugitive inmates, who had escaped from Rove jail few years ago. Interestingly, many resources have been dedicated to the re-capturing of these two criminals. But no one seems, including the Solomon Islands mainstream media, to mention Augustine Sae, a Malaitan criminal fugitive, who had short dead the country's former first Commissioner of Police, late Fred Soaki. Following the killing, Sae fled and since then living amongst his village people in North Malaita. The RAMSI initially conducted an operation to capture him, but failed because of the lack of support from the people and villagers, who were stonewalling from cooperating with the police. Waswe, police frait fo kasholem hem becos oketa frait for go lo Malaita? These three criminal fugivtives are no different, but it appears that the SI police have invested a lot of resources, time and energy, to capture the Guale fugitives, while the Malaitan fugitive is left to enjoy his freedom with his people. This case reminds me of the case of the late Kalisto, a prison fugitive from Kwaio, Malaita, who escaped Rove prison in 1987 and fled to Malaita. The SI police were too intimidated to go and hunt him down in the mountains of Kwaio, until some SDA church missionaries from Atoifi SDA Hospital in the region, went up the mountains and converted him to the Adventist faith in 1997. He was left to continue enjoying his freedom until he had joined the Malaita Eagle Force (MEF). In 2001, he went with a group of Kwaio men of MEF armed militia, who were sent on a secret mission by the government and the then MP for parliament for Kwaio, Alfred Sasako, to capture the Guale militants leader and now jailed inmate, Harold Keke. There was a huge bounty on Keke's head if he was captured alive and handed over to the SI government. Kalisto was killed, along side ten of his colleagues, in that trip by the very person, whom they were intended of capturing. The point here is where is justice to the family of the late Fred Soaki in this whole story of capturing the Guale criminals, while their counter part is enjoying his life? Solomon Islands cannot solve its problems if we have two sets of rules for criminals. Every criminal should be treated the same under the rule of law.
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 21 hours ago near Port-Vila, Efate, Vanuatu
  • Qtp Ungumau original code of this statemnt lo which page ya..? FSII
    21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Sione Tuhaika Own page blong hem.
    21 hours ago · Like · 2
  • James F Mangaeika The statement " Police frait fo go lo Malaita" should be deleted from this post. According to Police Intel, Edmond SAE (Not Augustine) is armed with few high power rifles and at this stage, RSIPF cannot make any attempt to arrest him, any confrontation will be at risk for him, Police and civilians. He is wanted for a murder case and Police also wanted him to testify who else was behind the assassination plan. Hunt to kill means others who are remote controlling the plan will go free and that's the issue. For how long he run, cause is upon him, he will be arrested one day. Again, no mentionim that police frait.
  • Sione Tuhaika RAMSI had army officers all over Honiara/Solo. One man witim guns hem no big deal. Ating big issue na is community is protecting him.
    21 hours ago · Like · 3
  • James F Mangaeika ST, I am not in a position to publicly comment on this, my comment is only to tell Duran Angiki that his comment has no respect at all. It shows that he is too clever to think before talk
  • Sione Tuhaika Oh but you already commented/publicly challenging him. I only responded to your assertion that the danger in apprehending this punk exceeds everything else. So I mentioned RAMSI (Aussy/NZ/Fiji/PNG) soldiers ... ai na puu ko kea te noko manga hesume aki ai? And disrespect? hao?
  • Jason Saungongo I would like 2 think dat da capturing of guale man ya hem possible from help blo community. atig guale man ya hem disturb alot so community reacted. wit sae hem no causim eni problem lo community blo hem.. tig tig nma
  • Qtp Ungumau but that idiot Sae is a murderer..!! What I know from this issue is, people are not co'operating to capture this murderer..!! Shame lo kind ya..!
    Or how..? Police incapable na..?? Y not arrest those who harbor this criminal..? Bcos hem common knowledge that hem free osem bird lo place ba..!
    20 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like
  • Manro Tongaka excuse me,my good people,ai manga hengeu ake in a way of how 2 discuss issue properly,cos yo words wil make a problem.
  • Duran Taupongi Te problem nei hem betwwen 2 different Ethnic groups,...kai kamanga...hetau soko ai a tekitatou..Aue.
    18 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Qtp Ungumau whatever been happen hem no affectim these 2 e/groups seleva hem blo every1... Mi go go fastime.. haha... Peace..
    17 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like
  • Duran Taupongi of course...but things hem start creep in to personality....tingting nmoa hehehehe
  • James F Mangaeika Wat na wrong tumas lo Police ia???hahahaha oketa no frait osem oketa man ranawe lo taem tension and no save kam bak ia
  • Qtp Ungumau ok...peace fellas..! Hehe...lo real life lo work place mi still direct lo oketa cllgs...lo issue mi stop lo here..hehe... JM..? He'e kokoe
    oh JM..? Ka koau e siahai kita'au eto'o kite home ite issue o logging..hahaha...peace my fren just sayimg..
    16 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 1
  • Jacque T Sautata'o I think Duran made a valid point as a blogger and as James mentioned, the Police is weighing its options based on risk factors and diligently serving justice. Yet this is a case the police have to solve with the support of RAMSI before it is too difficult as RAMSI is gradually winding down its operation in Solomon Islands. I don't know what would be the options of the RSIP if RAMSI is gone with their needed arms to make a swift capture mission.
    15 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu Let not your hearts be's a police business not ours. You may call them whatever names you want but it's absolutely their operation and timing. Sad that some of us failed to appreciate the efforts of our wantok "Juanita Matanga" who is the current Acting Commissioner of Police.
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu Puangongo Mungiki Tepuke, te hakaputunga a tenaa?
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu hahahaha..'e ngaoi ko manga hai maatanga sehu
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu hahahahaha...kae haiake ke pau o 'angu ai...hahahaha
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu hahahaha..'o 'e konaa na hai..hahaha
  • Sione Tuhaika Maongi, koau manga ngea kite pa'asi ote RAMSI noko manga taski tasi ina hu'ai puu o manga to'o pikisa lango i Honiara ka manga ngigho tenga i tona village. I think RAMSI attempted one time, but failed. Cheers!
  • Brad Lesley Pugeva Ana koau manga sungigha i na hengeunga nei, noka te discuss te issue nei ai he'e tau pati ai tatou...tou manga forcus ki tatou soko,why na umi stuck lo side blo development and unity.te discuss e tatou te 2 ethnic group nei he'e tau use,te post a Duran nei manga hu'ai ma'ongi kae need ke remove ai hem risk tumas fo umi discussim ia n we should respect our brothers n sisters where part Malaita lo forum ia...who knows? ai te post nei nima tuku ia kinga public forum...matia? kaa engo ae! ke manga ngiu kite topic ote fenisi koi ngaoi. Aue!
  • Sione Tuhaika My view of the article is simply this: its a comparison between past/present escapees and how escapees are treated differently and it is a legitimate concern. Is it not a national issue? if it is, its worth debating it. We had another escapee who spent most of his time on our little Island, married, had a kid, and his own uncles decided to bring him back to Honiara. Sad case, but a country cannot operate with no/little respect to the rule of law. It is, off course, a sensitive issue, but the author is entitled to his views and have all the rights to post on his own wall whether we agree with it or not. The arrest of the two escapees hem gud nius, hem minim dat pipol willing for mekem community as safe as possible. And even if Sae or others behaved better than angels in their communities, it doesn't change the fact that they cheated the law. If wanfala wantoko and Ghisi fight to the death, police won't say - hey raoa blong Temotu and Renbel... wish hem hapen olsem but we have laws to keep. That's my view.... and hope we discuss rationally and avoid trivializing important issues. Ngaoi...
    3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Sione Tuhaika