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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Armed masked men robbed gold-buyer

Use of high powered rifles in the attack. Where could we be heading now?

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  • 15 people like this.
  • Brian Mangi POM, LAX, RIO, MEX....
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Kc Zinck u true where? man tstst tumas na ia?amred with guns or knife?
  • Garruda Wantime welcome to the jungle.
  • Temmy Roberts I can't believe such an incident can happen in a premises that is guarded 24 hrs a day. It must be an "in house" job! The excuse that the securities were ordered not to call police is just a cover up. If they were security officers then they could have...See More
  • Davison Tolifua Where this alleged attack happened?
  • Garruda Wantime ma gold and seleni oketa afterem yia, so if hem lo motel ma bae oketa go fo tekem nomoa yia
  • Eddie Afia how nao olekta savy man ya stay lo Rock Haven.Chck the Motel security guards.
  • Karl Saliga Kc Zinck as noted from the article in the sol star edition today, high powered rifles were used in the attack....
  • Temmy Roberts It's not too difficult for the police to nub the culprits. Among the suspects would be 1. people who sold gold, and 2. motel staff with securities being the most likely ones. And I repeat my adviced to SIVB to warn people about the motel: It's not safe...See More
  • Naolah Pitia I thought all the guns in the country were already ridden off by the RAMSI. Are we implying here that there are still guns out there?
  • Karl Saliga Naolah Pitia, Well as reported by Solstar in its edition today, it is, however we need to hear from the police in this case to have a balanced perspective on this issue
  • Philston Milty All guns are not destroyed. There were evidences which points to some guns still at large. What killed RAMSI's Adam Dunning at Zion? That was a high powered gun. A few shoot-outs were reported in recent years as well. It's not safe to say all guns were destroyed.
  • Benjamin Afuga Oh my god.....
  • Jocf Cm we may be suprise but truth na hapen ia..confirmin that guns are still around.
  • Douglas P Mamaka Will not surprise me at all if someone within is implicated...Naolah Pitia not all guns are gone..samfala luk olsem clean n new yet..
    about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Benjamin Afuga Arms trade in the Solomon Islands after the tensions is a major problem but many of us consider as a sensitive issue to talk about...
    about an hour ago via mobile · Edited · Like · 5
  • Garruda Wantime it is especially when the Truth and Reconciliation Report is not tabled yet in the parliament, though umi save finis. but if its sensitive, that is where umi must talk aboutim nao, we have to make ppl aware that it is not right, it threatens the peace n harmony of our country, and we dont want another tension
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu the truth is solomon star printm evry second hand story which is not true......i was there during the incident.......there were four armed men not was 1:45 am not 3am...... and the guy was an african who stayed most of his time at new caladonia....and not indian...
    50 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 5
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu every story lo front page ya wrong wan nmoa......
    49 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu baka ya...but no sleep wetem any gele too tumas..
  • Jones Justus Otafalu Name blo country no gud more lo outside world more..tourists by fright so as the investers to come to SI,
  • Garruda Wantime ma u man stay that time u lukim too any Star reporter???, kain yia na misinform lo world then oketa thing olsem umi bara no gud yia
  • Karl Saliga can any one from our Journos at solstar make clarification on this story? Denver Newter covered this article in the front page story...
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu not a single reporter blo solomon star arrive lo morning.....blo ota cid nmoa cme..........four masked man ya go finis man lo africa cme out den hem se passport,crdt card and visa and lelbet money blo solo and newcaladonia nmoa ota tekem......
    44 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Eddie Afia @PJnrK,You herem story or you Lukim what nao happen?
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu bro...i was there wife was preparing things for catering lo next day so we stayed up late.....we run the cafe there...
    42 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 3
  • Eddie Afia okay story blo s/star colour tumas na.
    39 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Garruda Wantime Ma olsem too stori lo middle lo yr wea oketa se, Bus kidnap n rape lo gele, after na findout that gele go stay waitem boyfrend the liar olsem kidnap, se oketa umi hao na yia
    38 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Pazzmann Jnr Kalulu tufala bro.....gang cme ya...bara u bae confused nmoa.....u tingse ota riot squad blo iumi nao.........well armed na ba....
    33 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Eddie Afia Thanks for the update.
    31 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Benjamin Afuga If this is not addressed property, then I can only say its the beginning of a major problem to come...a new transition of robbery in this country.
    28 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Benjamin Afuga Regardless of the facts surrounding this incident, the irony of this incident is: high powered weapons were used.....
    26 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • Garruda Wantime BA, its something that comes with development of us as a nation, and yes its nw a major problem, hw na police intelligence no pickim up quick time, ma oketa too under resourced and ill equiped. at least CID arrive lo scene, after nao.
  • Sione Tuhaika SI is not the same anymore. We expect this kinds of criminal activities now and on. Communities need to work together on this; report those instigators ... no eni other ways! Unless, gavman blong yumi hirem private arm go hantim oketa lol.
  • Cherry Galo The media outsourced covering this particular story should be very careful of the accuracy of the given detail. The fact that a published story is inaccurate diminishes the company's name. Media agencies should be enormously careful when appointing Journalists to carry out front page issues. Jst a thot!
  • Benjamin Afuga Sorewan stret... I remember a member once said in this forum: "Break up the Police force, break up the nation"...samting olsem....So start with the RSIPF. my view..
    19 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 4
  • Philip Atulaka Friends just bear in mind that we are no longer living in the transitional political independence period; worst scenarios of similar nature regularly happened in our high offices though not with the barrel of a gun but with huge amount of money what's ...See More
  • Sione Tuhaika