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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) Annual Performance Assessment Results

January 08 , 2013
Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) Annual Performance Assessment Results
The allocation of Fund for 2013/14 to provincial governments
Solomon Islands -

The Joint Oversight Committee of the Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme has released the final results of the annual performance assessment conducted in 2012 for access to Provincial Capacity Development Fund 2013/14. The JOC, chaired by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening Mr Stanley D. Pirione, presided over the results of the assessment on the 20th of December 2012.

In 2012 annual performance assessment, provincial governments were assessed on seven (7) minimum conditions and eight performance measures with 100 indicators. For a province to qualify for funding from PCDF, it has to meet all seven minimum conditions. The 2012 assessment results have been highlighted in table 1 below. The amount of funds that should be allocated to each province has also been determined as indicated in the table.(*Result from table: Renbel province was allocated $ 1,636,961

This year, 20% of fixed service grant has been allocated to provincial governments based on their scores in the performance measures assessment for PCDF. Provinces that did well in the PCDF performance measures increased their allocations in the fixed service grant. The use of performance measures in allocating a portion of fixed service grant to provinces is an indication of the impact of the Provincial Capacity Development Fund mechanism of promoting sound fiscal reforms.

The Provincial Capacity Development Fund is a performance based grant which has been set up by the Solomon Island Government to provide provinces with investment for small scale infrastructure projects whilst at the same time promoting public expenditure management systems and public financial management systems at the provincial level. When the PCDF started in 2008, SIG and donors (EU, RAMSI, UNDP and UNCDF) contributed equally to the capital development fund accessed by provinces that meet the minimum criteria. For the first four years, the donors and SIG were each contributing about SBD5.4million but since 2011, the National Government up-scaled its contribution to SBD30 million per annum.

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