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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Aren't we being over governed?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland, commonly as the UK has a population of just under 66 million. It's parliment, the House of Commons has 650 elected members. So on average about 1 mp for every 100,000 people (101,538). Solomon Islands with a population of 600,000 has 50 national mps. There are also 190 provincial members who also make laws called the bylaws. So in total Solomon Islands has 240 politicians, 1 politician for every 2,500 people, 400 x UK! Aren't we being over governed?
Like ·  · Unfollow Post · October 17 at 12:36am
  • Yosra Dimashki And where it does exist, corruption and incompetence ie, you as voters are in the best position to eradicate that...
  • Alexander McDonald McLeen, I don't see any wrong doing in naming an MP for being good. Infact it's a way of complimenting him as everybody will be aware how good such a person is. And definitely one can't be charged for deformation for complimenting someone in a public forum such as this!
  • Yosra Dimashki AM - your forthcoming election process will / can do that - if candidates highlight their achievements, and put forward a mandate for next term..
  • Yosra Dimashki it needn't be a name and shame exercise. an election process does that with proper communication channels - it can do that...
  • Alexander McDonald Yosra, I do get your point but unfortunately that's not the way it works in Solo.
  • Yosra Dimashki Maybe not in the past but things have changed since the last election - you have social media, technology... a new generation of thinkers / graduates etc... post tensions. Old problems but new environment - the solutions have to change...
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari @ YD. It is very well to be articulate and to know what the challenges are, what the solutions are and the limitations and shackles, however, I for one believe that if one is in a very influential and decision making position, I would think and expect...See More
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha Alex..if I name one or five or will be unfair to the rest of the MPs, their constituency and people..any MP who is found guilty of misappropriation does not speak volume of the rest of the MPs..again there are places for any misappropriation...See More
  • Yosra Dimashki GAR - yes I think you are saying that they to be more tenacious leaders and work smarter... McLeen... do you really want to be like USA & Australia??? and if you did you can't be... nor should you have to be.. Take best practices that work for you... and retain the essence of your culture.. (kinship i think!!)
  • Sione Tuhaika The world is moving forward with technology, business and development. SI ... same position and its sad. Call me naive but look at how many unhappy contributors on this forum! All calling for the removal of this government. Gosh!
  • McLeen Tongaka Sinumoana Pikacha hahaha..Yosra you no tok osem..iumi mas osem australia in the next 100
  • Yosra Dimashki I hear the frustration, disillusionment and desperation throughout these posts for reform and transformation... an active, peaceful and well organised civic society - aided by good communication - can play a major role through this critical phase for SI..
  • Yosra Dimashki It is also a chance for a new generation of true leaders to emerge and take the baton for the next phase of your country's development..
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari Just as much as it is fair not to name and shame MPs, I think generalising comments when it comes to issue of national (not per constituency) interest is also fair. Reason being that we have a 2/3 majority vote in parliament and any decision to legalise is an agreed majority.
  • Warwick Sitana From the very beginning the Westminster system of governance was never suitable for the varied, isolated self -governing cultures in the SI archipelago, remember back in the days, tribes/island groups only interact with each other for two reasons - tra...See More
  • James Callender Wait a minute, Alex. I do not know if you are a Solomon Islander or not. I take it that you are a Solomon Islander. Just curious about the Scottish McDonald name. 
    Anyway, just had another look at your post and your comparison is inaccurate. There
    ...See More
  • Tesua Muakitangata I share the view that we are not over-represented. Part of the problem I have with the present system is that we/ the people are actually not represented (or are under-represented). The first-past-the-post electoral method consistently gives us a min...See More
  • Alexander McDonald Thanks James Callender. I don't need to be a Scottish to be called who I am. Enough of nonsense! Even 50 MPs means 1 MP for every 12000 people. Compare this to 1 mp for every 100,000 people, 8 x UK. And take a look at the two countries GDP/capita.
  • James Callender Well, unless we are in the habit of taking names olobaot, then yes usually we only take surnames belonging to our father, who would at least have some Scottish/Irish blood to be using the name McDonald. I'm not (and neither are anyone I know) in the h...See More
  • James Callender If you inherited the name then you would have Scottish blood,

    No, I don't know you much either so I prefer you stay away from the personal attacks including swearing as this is a moderated forum. I've being using t
    ...See More
  • Alexander McDonald How silly u are to think that u got to be Scotish to have a Scotish surname. This is an insult to me and the whole of the McDonald family of Solomon Islands, Australia, Germany the world wide.
  • James Callender Oh I see, do you have relatives in Australia and Germany?
  • Alexander McDonald James. Your posts speaks of just how silly u are!
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari REMINDER: JC & AM: Please stick to topic of discussion and avoid using unacceptable vernaculars. Specifically to JC, AM's surname is irrelevant to topic of discussion therefore shouldn't have been brought up in the first place. thanks.
  • James Callender If talking about Scottish names defines me as silly, then no problem as I have Scottish ancestry. I've been called silly for worse things before.
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu Alexander McDonald, this is the thread that stimulated your emotions against Renbel, follow the comments and you will believe me. You're playing like a kid in this forum..iu no hao fo discuss na osem ya!
  • Alexander McDonald Partrick. Looks like your being stung!
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu That's the same tactic you applied when you labelled another as being "SILLY". You must be out of your mind
  • Alexander McDonald And what has my exchanges of posts with James got to do with you. It's you who is acting silly and it's you who is acting like a kid FULL STOP. Enough of nonsense.
  • Patrick T Hakaahemangu Let our members judge who is acting like a kid and who is talking nonsense here
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari REMINDER GENTLEMAN: Lets move on from this mud slinging as it does noone any good nor does it make anyone's comment seem any wiser. I have a favorite saying that I often tell my kids and it goes like this: "it takes one to know one." On this note, let's be constructive and discuss with good intentions. Tagio again.
  • Eileen Mataki Going off topic. I was just recently been made aware of this thread and would like to clear up some loose ends. JC, you seem fixated on the name McDonald. Fact #1. AM has as much right to that name as any other McDonald of Scottish heritage. Fact #2. ...See More
  • James Callender " AM has as much right to that name as any other McDonald of Scottish heritage"
    You really are behaving more ridiculous than AM, Eileen. He responded that he does not have Scottish heritage and I said ok, well that is funny because all of the McDonald
    ...See More
  • Eileen Mataki I have been called a lot of things but stupid is not one of them. That swearing bit must have been deleted as I cannot see it. I assume AM did not answer your question as he probably deemed it irrelevant to the topic. I do not know who your reliable source is but there are McDonalds in SI and they are of Scottish heritage. Ask any member of the well known 'expat' families.
  • Eileen Mataki by way of Australia and Germany.
  • Layla Kere JC -some European surnames are used by Solomon Islanders not because of their heritage.May be jst their former boss or the names sounds too good in their ears.
  • James Callender Yes, the moderator deleted the swearing bit.
    Eileen, he answered my question in a round-about way....Really, I am not bothered about his name or McDonald name, or whatever, I asked it just in a curious way (honest) and he responded in an aggressive man
    ...See More
  • Eileen Mataki There are two families in Makira. But I think you know the most well known ones by way of Munda. I do not have to name them.
  • James Callender Kuper family in Makira I'm familiar with, a German married into Choiseul too, and there's other families dotted around the country which have European links.
  • Eileen Mataki and one of those families dotted around the country might just have McDonald for a surname, just saying.
  • Angikinui Francis Tekatoha No one owes you any explanation James about their family backgrounds - stop acting as if you have the ultimatum over Solomon Islands and Solomon Islanders - you are only a discussion contributor, not the moderator here for 'who is a Solomon Islander an...See More
  • Angikinui Francis Tekatoha And just to clear some ignorance - McDonald in Solomon Islands (in Guadalcanal and Shortlands) is from one family of two brothers and related directly to McDonalds in Fiji, Vanuatu, and Australia - and, by extension, in USA and of course Scotland. The ...See More
  • Nelson Boso From this could resolve to hide behind pen names to protect their family name from uncalled for comments. The post is about something else yet we are into something else. Fo wad ya?
  • Alexander Mataki hem askem james calenda ya.wht the point 4 go out of context on this thread. i dnt see why he so bother to dwell on the topic of macdonald a member of the macdonald family i cud willingly supply u evidence of the macdonald family from our great grandfather to my grandfather both in film and pictures digitilised by the australian war museum in canbera cos james ya talk smart tumas man.
    5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Joe Poleita Kam & tek my blood 2 resolve d arrongance
    5 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Joe Poleita @MA talem ota man kam tek my blood, either CBSI or?
  • Sione Tuhaika Oh JC, take a chill pill!
  • Geoff Asipara Rahari REMINDER James Callender. I would request to please stick to topic of discussion. Let's not dwell again on issues of names as it has no relevance to this topic of discussion. Additionally, be mindful of your comments - referring to your last comment, quote: " The only people liking your comments are your crazy wantoks." thanks
  • Teaheniu Castro JC should be yellow carded!!!
  • James Callender "Let's not dwell again on issues of names as it has no relevance to this topic of discussion."
    Yes, you are correct Geoff, it is off topic, but a small comment I made created a lot of further discussion on here, including a personal attack on me. If y
    ou look through the contributions above, you will see some very unsubstantiated insinuations and jibes at me, perhaps these can be moderated?

    I've deleted my previous comment because some people are very sensitive, yet they see nothing wrong in making wild claims at me...
    Some people will call black white and so I'm signing out from this nonsense.
    5 minutes ago · Like · 1

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