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Monday, November 18, 2013

  • Saw the item below on PACNEWS and wish to share it with you for discussions..

    PNG PM threatens to scrap visa on arrival rights for Australian travelers

    PORT MORESBY (Papua New Guinea), November 17, 2-13:
    Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has threatened to withdraw the visa on arrival arrangements it has with Australia, unless visa rights are reciprocated.
    Speaking in parliament, O’Neill said he is disappointed with how long it takes for Papua New Guineans to get an Australian visa.
    He says he is also upset with reports about inconvenient questions being asked by the Australian High Commission during the application process.
    “This visa on arrival business for all Australians will be withdrawn by the following year if we don't get a similar arrangement with them,” O'Neill said.
    “They all can go and apply for a visa in Australia so that they can come.
    “We don't want to inconvenience the travelling public, but on principle sometimes these decisions have to be taken.”
    O'Neill was responding to questions from John Hickey, the MP for Bogia District in PNG's Madang province, said Israel has agreed to give PNG citizens visiting the Holy Land visas on arrival.
    In May r O'Neill told then-prime minister Julia Gillard that easier visa access for his citizens will go a long way in improving relations between PNG and Australia.--RADIO AUSTRALIA/PACNEWS
    Like · · Unfollow Post · 13 hours ago near Honiara, Makira, Solomon Islands

    • 12 people like this.
    • Bt Bwooh Ley way to go Oneil...thumbs up. Lilo, do something.
    • Lava Grossmith Very true O'Neill
    • Nelson Mamae Solomon government won 't and can't do's they're just puppets.unless we have the likes of sogavare and other old leaders who have the guts to do what o'neil do. Great job o'neil.
    • Samson Faisi Waste time to have aussy hugh com office here bt when you apply for their visa, u hev to waif for ten clear working days bcos youre visa application will be scanned n sent to png instead for processing n verification purposes. Australian government treated us as kids n terorists thats why it has to do this unjustifiable n uncalled for actions against islanders or what?
    • Gee P'tta I think it is time for our Government to do something or else we will be like papet continuesly
    • Sione Tuhaika Free traveling between the Islands and Australia and NZ is a one way traffic in favor of Aussy and NZ. PNG and Solo (and others) have all the rights in the world to scrap this but its not going hurt Australia but the Islands.
    • Kevin Rietveld I agree that the paperwork for Islanders to get to Oz is tedious, expensive, invasive and time consuming. But consider also that there are quite a few Solomon Islands 'overstayers' (and likely PNG ones too) in Australia. Might that problem have contributed?
    • Simon Mannie Only true leaders can say and do that, ours are just bunch of kindy gartners. I dare the SIG close the australian HC office in Honiara
    • Simon Mannie Mr Kevin Retveld, you are an over stayer in the land that belongs to the Aborigines. So what are you talking about?????
    • Samson Faisi OZ are bullies when it comes to such an act that victimizes islanders. We jst need to ask them to relax their visa very hard requirements.
    • Sione Tuhaika That's a low-blow cheap shot right there Simon. But hey, don't let politicians fool ya! They won't scrap it. Somare promised to do it and then later apologized to Australia! The truth is we need more Australians visiting our Islands to bring in $$$$. Maos wara nating! lol
    • Simon Mannie Show me one nation that Australia is instramental in bolstering their economy........ Nauru? PNG?? SI continue to adopt dogmatism attitude, SI will follow suit.
    • Sione Tuhaika Majority of countries in the region received $$$$$$$$$ from Australia. What they done with the money is not Australia's prob. The issue is "visa".... stick to it.
    • Samson Faisi I still believe that solomon islands will be a threat to aussy if it pulls a stant here in the face of aussy bully tactics...
    • Nelson Mamae Eh onam land ia tu givim baek blo oketa abo.
    • Castro Muakitenoforanga Australia had done a lot for this country, millions of dollars every year but umi Solomon garem staka corrupt leaders tumas.. e.g 10 million MHMS.
    • Simon Mannie Wasnt you who introduced the Australian dollar into this visa discussion???? @t JT
    • William Abuinao Both OZ and SI needs each other. Only what we need to do is to find the right tune in diplomacy between the 2 country, then we should be fine. No man is an Islands. If Australian can enter SI, PNG Fiji and rest of the Pacific region. Why not OZ do the similar approach to the region, but that would risky to Australia, if we are not capable of controlling our borders and immigration issues.
    • Samson Faisi Yes CM, you can say that australia spend millions of its tax payers money in our country, bur mind you that 60-70% of that financial assistant springs back into their own coffers so we always start again from the beginning from where we have started.
    • Castro Muakitenoforanga True SF, Problem wetem Boomerang aid ia naea.. But Oz is undeniably our major bilateral partner. The alternative would be China, the only country in the world dishing out aid with no strings attached. But problem wetem kaen aid blo china ia taem kasem ol leaders blo umi ba oketa just ova corrupt go moa na bcos no any conditions for aid..
    • Sione Tuhaika I don't know about that Castro. After the coup 2000, SIG denounced Taiwan and sent a team to Beijing but China refused to give anyone anything lol. China doesn't need recognition from any country compared to Taiwan. After that team returned SI with zero dollar, SIG went back to Taiwan. SF, I agree but that's aid money our government should be using properly... But that's beside the point, a few on this forum complained about tourism but here we are attacking Australia lol. Hem gud, raosim oketa go!
    • Samson Faisi ST... read my point! if 60% of their aid money returns to them, then what do u think of that? In fact they are also part of these corrupt practices going on with their aid money...
    • Sione Tuhaika 40% remains in the country and that's bad, right? So we should boot them out because of that? No free access to Solomon Islands because 60% of the money returned to Aussy? Interesting solution.
    • Castro Muakitenoforanga ST.. probably that time ia China hem still angry with Solomon for recognizing Taiwan sovereignty.. Currently China is emerging to be the biggest donor and trading partner in the Asia Pacific region and has surpassed both US and Japan in trade and foreign reserves. Solomon is 1 of only 23 countries in the world that recognize Taiwan's sovereignty that is why we are receiving aid money from them. The rest of our Pacific neighbors recieve aid from China and not Taiwan.
    • Sione Tuhaika So China gives out money with no string attached, example? I think the post was about PNG threatening to scrap this Australia free visa to PNG, and some suggested SI should do the same. I don't think its a good idea because we need them more than they need us.... hem ting ting blong mi nomoa.
    • Karl Kuper before olketa pipol ya kam stealim man for go waka lo ples blo olketa (blackbirding) man like go hard lelebet...the issue lo here hemi about VISA ya...people lo Africa no neighbours olsem iumi lo Australia bata population blo olketa lo there thousand times more than iumi...let us not forget a little S.I Child that passed away just because of VISA requirements....time Australia garem problem wetem boat pipol, olketa pacific islanders nao raisim hand for help!!!
    • Nelson Mamae Some of the Australian immigration laws hem rude lo travelling public. Kaen visa form ia kolsap nmoa oketa ask fo wat kaen colour under wear na u werem.den bae u wait fo tu tri months b 4 u recivim. Maekarage ae.
    • Samson Faisi Sione, ota na nidim umi moa den umi nidim ota like wat hapen in d past. enaf fo garem knd gavman wea hem playm dabol standad na. stop koling sol island as frens wen u nating like fo respectim hem nma.
    • Castro Muakitenoforanga ST.. Yes China giving Aid with no strings attached e.g Fiji to Bainimarama govt when all other donors withdraw because of millitary take over... Anyhow back to discussion on visa and Oz
    • Sione Tuhaika Karl Kuper - ating Africans long Australia are mostly descendants of those who came to Australia from war torn countries in Africa but I don't think African countries are part of the "visa waiver" program blong Australia. Secondly, Australia is a sovereign state with all the rights in the world to determine who should or should not enter Australia without visas. Call it unfair, I agree hem unfair but so too our open recognition of Cuba which Australia didn't like one bit. And Castro, the million dollars China gives to countries in the Pacific and are all given out as LOAN. That's a string attached... in other words, these countries have to pay China back, unlike Taiwan! Okay, samfala Aussy nomo fo defenim Australia... mi livim go long oketa Australians ya na. Just thought I express the other side of the argument. Adios.
    • Castro Muakitenoforanga ST, Most Aid are loans and strings attached refer to things like good governance procedures, what the aid should be used for etc.. China just give aid and its up to the country to spent it on whatever way they like, they dont follow up like what the Aussies are doing..
    • Karl Kuper Sione Tuhaika...u gogo wea moa go lo cuba ya?...hehehehe....hao Australia nao should determinim friends blo solo?
    • Sione Tuhaika Karl Kuper, that's exactly what Australia is doing.... the right to determine its own immigration law, determine how much money they should give to SI etc..... don't you agree?
    • Esther Hoffie Not a good idea that PNG wanna scrap Australia free visa,that could make them harder for themselves to get in to aussie..Kara think wisely solo..We stil need Australia as a back up,also we need tourism in our country.
    • Karl Kuper dat wan stret wan...a little fairness is was PNG was asking.
    • Karl Kuper but then, if we cant see eye to eye, then how can we expect not equals to reciprocate equally...
    • Kevin Rietveld Hi Simon. Thanks for your comment. I am not an overstayer in a land tha belongs to the aborigines of Australia. I am a person who lives in my Father's World. God the creator has never relinquished his ownership of our world or the countries in which we live. At best, we are caretakers. But you and I both know that often we do not do that very well. Bless you my friend.
    • Joshua Keniore One good turn deserves another....creating a better world starts within us or between two persons(PNG/AUSTRALIA).
    • Nelson Mamae CM..yes its true aussies had done alot for this country by pouring in millions of dollars through their boomarang aid. I think the island nations deserves alot of help from australia. Haven't you realise that the innocent islanders were forced and chained against their will like animals to go and work in their sugarcane fields. Many who refused to board the traders ships were cold bloodedly shot at blank range. Alot of them also died in the sugarcane fields by mistreatment from their kidnappers. Don't you see our fellow country men and women were also contributed to build the Australian economy during that era? And now in Mckay Queensland their decendents are still regarded as the lost generations,while the asylum seekers are now called australian citizens. And yet they see and treat us like aliens from other planet when applying for australian Tumasi nao oloketa. Fit fo oketa abo korosi na mait.tru mait chuu...
    • Sione Tuhaika Tumas na... are all Solomon Islanders "entitled" to a quick visa application to Aussy? I don't think so. Is visa application/waiting period unique to Australia? I don't think so... try apply fo go long Europe, Asia, or Africa. Find out how easy. Should Solomon Islanders get favorable treatment - free access to Australia - because their ancestors were taken as "slaves" to work in Sugar plantations in Australia? That's not going to happen, and to use a hundred year old history as justification for attack on Australian immigration and financial aid to Solomon Islands, is absolutely weird. But I'll give you that... you are entitled own view. Have a good day!
    • Temmy Roberts ST. You can say that because may be you have not had the chance to apply for a Visa to enter Australia yet. But I wonder you would continue to hold a similar view after you have made an application for a visa. Currently Solomon Islanders can travel to countries such as United Kingdom, Canada and even Fiji and PNG and get visa upon arrival. What's so special about Australia. What is it that Solomon Islanders are able to do in Australia that they are imune from doing in UK and Canada?
    • Sione Tuhaika I tried 2 times Temmy Roberts but that's their laws. One time hem denied, the other time took long but finally got it. But that's a good question TR... why na Aussy sweet tumas ya? lol.
    • Karl Kuper unlike samfala lo ufala wea die for go stap lo aussie...samfala people just needim transit, medical or holiday visa nomoa ya...easy nomoa aussie aeii.hehe
    • Sione Tuhaika lol Karl Kuper ... mi agree long dat wan! I think its unreasonable - but hey, go thru Fiji hem free access ya! lol.
    • Sione Tuhaika

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