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Friday, November 1, 2013

Alex Bartlett now owns part of Russell Coconut Plantation

Hey forum members one of the area of coconut plantation in Russell Islands which is own by Russell Islands Plantation Estate Limited (RIPEL) is now own by Business man Alex Bartlett. Feami land parcel number 165 - 002 - 6. It was say that the General manager of RIPEL John Whiteside na selem land ya lo Alex Bartlett. I do not know whether this one hem follom Policy blo Government or not. While some say that because son blo Alex Bartlett marit daughter blo John Whiteside so therefore John Whiteside give land ya lo hem (Alex Bartlett). One of the letter wrote BY JAK LEGAL SERVICES (John A. Keniapisia) put 30 days notice for those people who settle on the land to vacate. The soft copy of the letter is with me. However any comments, ideas lo this one, whether this corruption or not??
Like ·  · Follow Post · October 30 at 8:42pm
  • 4 people like this.
  • Hudson Kalaeda OMG....U me bae hao moa na ya.....
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele eye witness say last week group blo Alex Bartlett come down survey na place ya..even sea boundary olketa blockem too for original people lo Russell for no fishing and do any activities lo hem..if this one hem continue to happen bae things go worse na ya..
  • Jimmy S Hanahunu And what is the gov't policy concerning this?
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele JSH mi even no idea lo hem to brow..bae umi how moa ya??
  • Jones Justus Otafalu ating hem gud yet Solomon islander ownem land ya yet compare too many fishy land deallings owner by waku/ in the capital
  • Joshua Keniore let them own the whole world...Holy bible..'be content with what you have'..cheers...peace
  • Michael Tokuru Is this the island that has been proudly displayed as ROCK something at FB last week and this week?
  • Geoff Kelekeman @DJK, What time na 30 Days notice ia hm effective bro? Surprise nao! By the way, eni COI done on RIPEL?
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele @GK 30 days notice hem effective from date 21 October 2013 but no any COI done yet..I I have the soft copy of the letter with me right now..Hem gut for postim too or how?
  • Hudson Kalaeda Postime kam bro..
  • Hudson Kalaeda Lol..if not only inbox us
  • Hudson Kalaeda Got it...thanks
  • Geoff Kelekeman RIPEL issue hm wanfala national issue blo umi & mi think hm right 4 u postim letter ia 4 umi lukim tu.
    Yesterday at 1:24am via mobile · Like · 1
  • Geoff Kelekeman Ok, if osem inboxm me..
    Yesterday at 1:26am via mobile · Like · 1
  • Hudson Kalaeda Hope the resposible authority take not of this issue and address it quickly before it got out of hand....
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele Forum members here the letter wrote by Jak Legal services JAK LEGAL SERVICES
    Barristers & Solicitors
    Commissioner for Oaths
    Principal Partner: John A

    P O BOX 1356, unit 20; NPF Plaza; Mendana
    Telephone: 677 (21382, 21486) Mobile: (677) 7414201; Fax; Email;

    Our ref:
    Your ref:

    Date: 21/10/2013
    1. As owner of the perpetual Estate in the above parcel, my client Mr Alex Bartlett hereby give you notice to vacate the land, on which we understand you currently reside.
    2. Please vacate the above parcel within the next 30 days after receipt of this eviction notice. Failure to response positively, my client reserves his right to take possession of the land and eventually take appropriate legal actions to rid any intruders on the land.
    3. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation with intentions.
    Yours Faithfully

    John A. Keniapisia.
  • Casper Fa'asala This letter has no official letter head logo on it and is not been signed. Hope some one further verify this.
  • Jessy Taboi Most alienated land has the Commissioner of Lands as the registered PE holder. If RIPEL and the Commissioner of Lands can transfer both the Fixed Term Estate and the Perpetual Title why not transfer at least PE to traditional landowners of Lungga, Tenaru, Foxwood and Black Post lands. This is playing double standard with the Guadalcanal people.
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele @ CF the original copy is here with me and if you really want the copy then give come ur fax number so that I can send to u..just in box me..
  • Afu Billy Well if this story is true, I hope Alex Bartlett can sleep soundly at night when he knows that there are mothers and children who will be homeless due to his 'wanting more' although he already has more than enough. I hope Alex Bartlett can go to Church each Sunday and pray to God to help the homeless when he is the cause of homelessness. I hope God will look down on Alex Bartlett and be happy with what he sees. For at the end of the day we go back to the earth from whence we came, dust to dust, ashes to ashes and we will never take any of the lands that we buy, the homes that we built and rent out or sell and the heaps of money that we make with us to Heaven. And I hope at the end of the day, the Lord will say to the likes of Alex Bartlett, 'well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord!'
  • Jessy Taboi The documents were signed when the Commissioner of Lands was suspended but the date was backdated.
  • Jones Justus Otafalu i hope in the near future, Alex Bartlett will developd that parcel of land and creat more employment for women and men, that will help raises their standard of living and support their childrens school fee, me just look other side of the story..however if the dealing of that piece land is illegal then challenged it court
    17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Haj Rmur ma hatanga residense lo ngossi no eni estate hao moa lo russell ia..samfala tekem land olsem man pem bilinate nomoa..oh hek stragol yet fo eni space lo honiara
    16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Derrickson Johnstill Kopele @ HR support ur view bro..mi surprise to man that sea boundary too olketa blockem,
  • Casper Fa'asala DJK..not necessary to send me, but if the issue is suspicious the best to
    do is to go to court.
    I hope that the people living on that land are aware of the deal and good
    to hear their reactions.
    11 hours ago via  · Like · 1
  • Ed Saramo What surprises me is the transfer of the perpetual estate. RIPEL's interest was an FTE (fixed term estate), which is a lesser title than a perpetual estate. How can RIPEL transfer an estate that is better than the one they had?
    8 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Pitch Lodge Wasn't it a priority to sell to the indigenous (Lavukalians)as some of the old government regimes intended too? RIPEL's GM is a character that can go to any extreme. So beware!
    8 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jessy Taboi Perpetual Estate is owning the land forever and ever...more like our customary landowners.
    5 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Sione Tuhaika

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